HTML6: The Next Iteration of the World Wide Web!

html6 with html5 crossed out

If you are a web developer, you might be wondering what the next version of HTML will look like. HTML5, the current standard, has been around for almost a decade and has introduced many new features and capabilities to the web platform

Let’s Think About This

What if there was something even better on the horizon? Something that could make web development easier, faster, and more fun? Well, you might be in luck, because there is a proposal for a new version of HTML that aims to do just that. It’s called HTML6, and it’s not your ordinary markup language.

HTML6 is a radical revision of HTML that involves namespaces along with XML structure. The main idea behind HTML6 is to allow developers to use custom tags for different purposes, such as <logo>, <toolbar>, <menu>, etc. This way, you can create semantic and modular web pages without relying on complex frameworks or libraries. You can also use existing namespaces from other standards, such as SVG, MathML, or RDFa, to enrich your web content with graphics, math, or metadata.

HTML6 is not an official standard yet, but it is being developeda group of web enthusiasts who call themselves the WHATWG (Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group). The WHATWG is responsible for maintaining multiple web-related technical standards, including the specifications for HTML and the Document Object Model (DOM). You can learn more about their work and vision on their website.

A Few Propositions

So, what are some of the benefits of using HTML6? Here are some of the proposals that make HTML6 a brilliant idea:

Browser-sizing of Imagery:

One of the challenges of responsive web design is to optimize images for different screen sizes and resolutions. With HTML6, you can let the browser handle this task for youusing the <img> tag with a srcset attribute. This attribute allows you to specify different image sources for different pixel densities or viewport widths.

For example,

<img src=”small.jpg” srcset=”medium.jpg 2x, large.jpg 4x”>

tells the browser to use small.jpgdefault, but switch to medium.jpg if the device pixel ratio is 2x or higher, or large.jpg if it is 4x or higher.

Native Video and Audio Support:

HTML5 introduced the <video> and <audio> tags to allow web developers to embed multimedia content without relying on third-party plugins or codecs. However, these tags still have some limitations, such as lack of support for certain formats or features. HTML6 aims to improve this situationproviding native support for more video and audio formats, such as WebM, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, and MP3. It also adds new attributes and methods to control playback, such as loop, autoplay, muted, volume, play(), pause(), seek(), etc.

Offline Local Storage:

Another feature that HTML5 brought to the web platform is the ability to store data locally on the user’s device using various APIs, such as localStorage, sessionStorage, IndexedDB, or Web SQL. However, these APIs have different syntaxes and capabilities, which can make them confusing or inconsistent to use. HTML6 simplifies this processproviding a unified API for offline local storage that uses a key-value pair system. You can use the <storage> tag to define a storage area with a name and a size limit. Then you can use the storage object to access or modify the data stored in that area.

For example,

<storage name=”myStorage” size=”10MB”></storage>


  // Store a value

  storage.myStorage.setItem(“name”, “Alice”);

  // Retrieve a value

  var name = storage.myStorage.getItem(“name”);

  // Remove a value


  // Clear all values



Elements & Components

Custom Elements:

One of the most exciting features of HTML6 is the ability to create your own custom elements with custom behavior and style. You can use the <element> tag to define a new element with a name and an optional prototype. Then you can use the <content> tag to specify what content should go inside your element. You can also use JavaScript to add methods and properties to your element’s prototype.

For example,

<element name=”my-button” prototype=”button”>



      /* Style your button here */


    <!– Add any other content here –>




  // Add methods and properties here = function() {

    alert(“You clicked me!”);



Now you can use your custom element anywhere in your document like this:

<my-button>Click me!</my-button>

Web Components:

If you want to take your custom elements to the next level, you can use web components to create reusable and encapsulated components that can be imported and used in any web page. Web components are composed of four technologies: custom elements, shadow DOM, HTML templates, and HTML imports. Shadow DOM allows you to create a separate DOM tree for your component that is isolated from the main document. HTML templates allow you to define the markup for your component in a <template> tag that is not rendered until you instantiate it. HTML imports allow you to load and use your component in another document using a <link> tag with a rel=”import” attribute.

For example,

<!– Define your component in a separate file –>

<template id=”my-component”>


    /* Style your component here */


  <!– Add any other content here –>



  // Add methods and properties here

  my-component.prototype.sayHello = function() {

    alert(“Hello from my component!”);



<!– Import and use your component in another file –>

<link rel=”import” href=”my-component.html”>



  // Access your component’s methods and properties here

  var myComponent = document.querySelector(“my-component”);



Workers & Sockets

Web Workers:

Sometimes, you might want to perform some heavy or complex tasks in the background without blocking the main thread of your web page. For example, you might want to fetch some data from a server, process some images, or run some calculations. HTML6 makes this possibleproviding web workers, which are scripts that run in parallel to your main script and communicate with it via messages. You can use the <worker> tag to create a web worker with a src attribute pointing to the script file. Then you can use the postMessage() method to send messages to the worker and the onmessage event handler to receive messages from the worker.

For example,

<worker src=”my-worker.js”></worker>


  // Send a message to the worker

  worker.postMessage(“Hello, worker!”);

  // Receive a message from the worker

  worker.onmessage = function(event) {

    alert(“Worker says: ” +;



Web Sockets:

Another way to communicate with a server or another web page is to use web sockets, which are persistent and bidirectional connections that allow real-time data exchange. HTML6 provides web sockets as a native feature that can be used with the <socket> tag. You can use the src attribute to specify the URL of the server or page you want to connect to, and the protocol attribute to specify the subprotocol you want to use. Then you can use the send() method to send data to the socket and the ondata event handler to receive data from the socket.

For example,

<socket src=”ws://” protocol=”chat”></socket>


  // Send data to the socket

  socket.send(“Hello, world!”);

  // Receive data from the socket

  socket.ondata = function(event) {

    alert(“Socket says: ” +;



Forms & Notifications

Web Notifications:

Sometimes, you might want to notify your users about something important or interesting that happens on your web page, even if they are not looking at it. For example, you might want to inform them about a new message, a new comment, or a new update. HTML6 makes this possibleproviding web notifications, which are pop-up messages that appear on the user’s screen outside the context of your web page. You can use the <notification> tag to create a web notification with a title, an icon, and a body. Then you can use the show() method to display the notification and the onclick event handler to handle user interaction with the notification.

For example,

<notification title=”New message” icon=”message.png” body=”You have a new message from Bob”></notification>


  // Show the notification;

  // Handle user click on the notification

  notification.onclick = function() {

    alert(“You clicked on the notification!”);



Web Forms:

One of the most common tasks in web development is to create forms that allow users to input and submit data. HTML5 improved this taskproviding new input types and attributes that make forms more user-friendly and validate data more easily. HTML6 goes even furtherproviding new elements and features that make forms more powerful and flexible.

For example,

<field> allows you to group related form controls together and provide a label for them.

<datalist> allows you to provide a list of predefined options for an input element.

<output> allows you to display the result of a calculation or an expression based on form inputs.

<formdata> allows you to create and manipulate form data objects programmatically.

<formaction>, <formenctype>, <formmethod>, and <formtarget> attributes allow you to override the default action, encoding type, method, and target of a form for individual

Final Thoughts!

As you can see, HTML6 is a promising proposal that could revolutionize web development and make it more enjoyable and productive. HTML6 is not a finalized standard yet, but it is being actively developed and discussedthe WHATWG and the web community. If you are interested in learning more about HTML6 or contributing to its development, you can visit the WHATWG website or join their mailing list.

You can also experiment with HTML6 features using a polyfill or a browser extension that enable HTML6 support in your browser. HTML6 is the future of web development, and you can be part of it! Thank you for reading this blog post, and stay tuned for more updates on HTML6! 😊

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